Does your job require you to undertake media interviews from time to time? Our comprehensive media training service will leave you knowing what to expect and feeling well prepared the next time media come knocking on your door.
Our extensive media experience, coupled with our knowledge of how government departments, agencies and corporate businesses operate, allows develop a media training program that best suits you and your business needs.
Our media training can range from preparation for TV interviews, what to expect at a doorstop, how to handle a press conference and camera crews, tips to stay on message, dealing with phone interviews, the media cycle process all the way through to what to wear on camera and what your body language says about you.
Our clients complete our media training courses with greater knowledge of how the media industry works and feel more confident in their ability to handle any media interaction. In short, we take the fear out of dealing with the media.
We are also able to help any business or employee who suddenly find themselves grappling with media inquiries when they least expected it.
Regardless of what level your experience with media is, from complete novice to seasoned performer, our media training will refine your skills. We are able to run through scenarios on the fly or develop a full program for employees at every level of your business.
We can prepare Q&A documents covering what questions are most likely to be asked during interviews and key messages statements to steer employees through the interview.
Our clients rely on us for our trusted advice at the times when they need it most. If you feel that anyone in your business would gain an advantage over your competitors, or be better equipped to deal with issues, then talk to us about media training today.